Vermicompost is a wonderful natural fertiliser

Your worm farm will produce vermicompost or worm compost which is a mixture of worm castings and organic material.

Vermicompost has many different names including worm compost, worm castings, vermicast and earthworm compost. It can be mixed into the garden, turned into potting soil, or even sold if you produce enough. Worm castings are amongst the best fertilisers you can use in your garden.


The amount of vermicompost your worm farm will produce will depend on how many worms you have, how much you feed them and what you feed them.

A healthy worm will consume up to its own weight in food a day although typically it will eat half its body weight. This food will be processed into healthy, pathogen free, nutrient rich castings.

The exact analysis of the vermicastings will vary depending on what types of food you feed your worm farm. A typical analysis is:

  • Nitrogen 2.3%
  • Potassium 0.56%
  • Phosphorous 1%

Worm compost will also contain natural soil microbes, bacteria and enzymes which are highly beneficial for your soil. They improve soil texture and provide water soluble nutrients to your plants. It is these ingredients that make vermicompost more beneficial than chemical fertilisers or even regular compost.

Using vermicompost will result in large healthy vegetables and a wonderful garden. Tests have shown that mixing up to 20% worm castings into your soil will benefit your plants, however there is no advantage to mixing in a higher concentration.

Harvesting vermicompost from our farms.

As our farms have two stackable trays and harvesting them is a simple process.

Simply wait until the top and middle trays are full of worm compost. Remove the middle tray and empty out the castings from it. The top tray is moved to the middle and the now empty tray is placed on top.

Place any new food in the empty top tray. The worms will automatically move out of the middle tray to where the food is. Once the top tray is full of worm compost (and the worms) repeat the process.

Uses for your vermicompost.
  • Potting Soil
  • Germination Mix
  • Lawn Dressing
  • Flower Beds
  • Vegetables