Fishing Worms

Fishing worms, as any fisherman knows, are the perfect bait.


To use red wigglers as fishing worms or before selling them for fishing you should first fatten them up.

The following diet will give you nice fat worms.

  • 5 parts mealie meal (corn meal)
  • 2 parts wheat or rice bran
  • 1 part whole wheat flour
  • 1 part agricultural lime
  • 1 part powdered milk

Sprinkle the mixture on the top of the farm together with their regular diet of vegetable kitchen scraps. Spray the top of the mix with a fine mist of water to dampen it down for the worms.

This diet will result in nice fat fishing worms although your cost of production will obviously rise.

Always make sure that your worms have lots of bedding material. Damp shredded paper or cardboard is perfect.